Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Wednesday 26th Reading


I wanted to draw the last page in today's book but it was hard. So I decided to trace it.

This is the print out of the original picture

Then I traced the outlines by holding the picture up to the window

And the last thing I did was colour it in.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Monday 24th Writing

This is my colourful contraction work.


Monday 24th Reading

I spent a very long time writing these sentences about the book I read called 'Mum's Birthday' by Joy Cowley. My step mum Jayne is very proud that, even though I wanted to give up, I kept working until the end. She gave me a chocolate.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

This is where I want to go


this is the Eiffel Tower i have drawn.
I want to go to France and climb this tower.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Skip counting


Crocodile EAT MEAT!

I drew this picture on my own and it didn't take a long time. I think my crocodile is very good. The monkey's feet are very big to help them climb trees better. The monkey's hands are very good to grab onto stuff because monkeys can swing on one arm. I also like mangos they ARE very juicy and sweet. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Kiwi Chef Toran in the house!

This is the recipe book that we used to help us make a pie

This is a picture of the pie that I decided to cook. I thought the potato bits looked nice and yummy.

This is the recipe. It tells us what we needed to put in the pie and how to make it.

This is me mixing the mince and onions and garlic.
This was fun and I think you can make this pie too.

This is the pie that I made. It looks a lot like the picture from the recipe. 

I was proud and it tasted DELICIOUS!


The free princess 2

Monday, 11 May 2020

May 11th

                                                    This is my work for the 11/5/2020

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Rearding 7/5/2020

                        Here is my Reading work for today, we are having a easy rest day today.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

writing the 6th of may

                                                        This is my writing 6th of may

Maui and the Big fish Sequencing

   This is my writing for the 6th May 2020, it was a lot of writing and it took a long time, but now I can read the story in my own writing.

Reading for the 6th of may

                                          This is my Reading for the 6th of may

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

maths for the 5th of 2020

                                                    This is my maths for 5th may

Reading the 5th of may

                                          This is my Reading for the 5th of may